The First National Bank of Bangor NMLS #619172



Bill Bosshard Celebrates WBA 50-year Club Award

Congratulations to First National Bank of Bangor President Bill Bosshard for a half century of service to the banking industry. His impressive milestone was recognized with the Wisconsin Bankers Association’s 50-Year Club award. WBA President and CEO Rose Oswald Poels presented a WBA 50-Year Club plaque to Bosshard at a surprise celebration for him held on October 11, 2024 at the bank surrounded by employees, directors and network bank leaders.

By |October 16th, 2024|News|

Happy Retirement Pam!

Please join us in congratulating Pam on her retirement effective August 24, 2024! Pam came to the bank in August, 2015 from the retail world and brought her customer service excellence with her to our teller line. We are grateful for the relationships formed with our customer base over the years and know she will be missed. Pam is looking forward to completing some projects that have been put on hold and planning weekly outings with her husband Rich. Enjoy!

By |August 20th, 2024|News|

Wilcox Celebrates 40 Years of Service at FNBB

The First National Bank of Bangor is pleased to honor Joanie Wilcox as she reaches her 40 years of service milestone with the bank. She began her career at FNBB in June 1984 in our Bangor office in the loan processing department. Joanie eventually moved into a role as a lender, working with home mortgages, consumer, commercial, and agricultural loans. Joanie currently serves as the bank’s VP–Admin, serving our customers in many areas of the bank. Countless customers have been helped with their needs and dreams over the years and will continue to as Wilcox extends her tenure with the bank.

By |June 3rd, 2024|News|

Happy Retirement Lynette!

Lynette joined the bank in August, 1984 as a proof operator, processing cash letters and local checks for daily reconciliation. Not long after starting, Lynette began training in the IRA department as well, and has worked diligently with the bank’s IRA customers and their retirement accounts throughout her career. As banking technology evolved and eliminated a lot of the check handling requirements, Lynette was transferred into the bank’s loan department, where she has been primarily responsible for collateral documents and various processing duties. January 31, 2024 is her official retirement date, just short of her 40-year anniversary!

By |February 2nd, 2024|News|

Wegner Celebrates 40-Years of Service at FNBB

The First National Bank of Bangor is pleased to honor Helen Wegner as she reaches her 40 years of service milestone with the bank. She began her career at FNBB in June 1983 in our Bangor office as a loan secretary. Helen is currently AVP–Loans, serving our customers in all loan areas along with assisting our IRA customers with their retirement needs. Countless customers have been helped with their needs and dreams over the years and will continue to as Wegner extends her tenure with the bank.

By |June 2nd, 2023|News|